Whole Person Learning

Whole Person Learning addresses issues of globally responsible practice, leadership and practice in organisations; the value of this new paradigm in the business world and the Whole Person Learning perspective.

The challenges faced by society today are placing new demands upon a new generation of leaders for whom global responsibility will not be a rhetorical phrase but will be an active ingredient in all they do.

Whole Person Learning describes one approach for moving forward into the new paradigm of leadership and practice.

What does it take to bring your whole self to your work? What is required from the organisation and the systems in which you operate to respond with a healthy approach to whole person? What hurdles might you need to overcome? How and what might you need to challenge?

The manual addresses the issues of globally responsible practice, leadership and practice in organisations; the purpose and value of Whole Person Learning in the world of business and management; the Whole Person Learning perspective; initiating Whole Person Learning; and the role of the facilitator in Whole Person Learning.

It is an introductory tool for those who are interested in this new way of being, especially in the worlds of education and management, and is supported by a wide network of people throughout the world (largely through the work of the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative, which sponsored the publication).

Oasis have been working with the concept of Whole Person Learning for over 30 years. They are pioneers in this way of thinking; one which holds the individual at the heart of all interventions, their wellbeing and their hopes for a better future.


Front cover of Whole Person Learning manual