What’s Going On
WHAT'S GOING ON is an online applied learning initiative for intrepid internal Organisation Development Practitioners & Change Leads in these turbulent times.
Organisations are an amazing blend of people, systems and the relationships between them. When conscious change is called for, we go beyond the obvious to enable enduring development.
Organisations and the people within them are facing significant challenges in order to thrive in a fast-moving, complex and unpredictable world. Constraints, opportunities and ‘wicked’ problems surround most endeavours as they strive to be fit for the future. We place the human element at the heart of the way forward.
We work co-creatively in relationship with our organisational clients to create long-term partnerships that produce meaningful change. Our clients are effectively change agents – whether they be business owners and Directors or those with specialist responsibility for people, including HR, OD and L&D professionals.
Our work includes enabling deep culture change, facilitating authentic collaboration, embedding new ways of working and developing globally responsible leadership and practices. We do this through programmes, organisational development and consultancy, collaborative inquiries, one-to-one development, and the Resilience and Wellbeing Network.
We provide hubs for people, organisations and initiatives seeking to learn from each other, work with their questions, and discover ways forward on the critical challenges, asking: ‘What new ways of leading, living and learning together are emerging and making a difference for the benefit of the person, the organisation and society?’
In organisations, real power and energy is generated through relationships. The patterns of relationships and the capacities to form them are more important than tasks, functions, roles, and positions.
Margaret J. WheatleyWriter and consultant
If you’re looking for something strategic for your team or whole organisation a conversation with one of our Directors or Change Consultants will help you scope what you need.
If you’re looking to develop the capacity of your people, we offer a suite of both short and longer term programmes, which can all be tailored to your specific needs. You may also want to visit our Leader Hub.
If you’re looking to support your leadership community with executive coaching, then our Whole Person approach to coaching would be a great place to start.
Perhaps you’re a Director or CEO looking to join a community of responsible leaders to be inspired and continue learning. Sign up to our newsletter to hear about our Salon events and Communities of Practice.
Get in touch for a conversation about where you are starting and what your questions might be. Call us on 01937 541700.