Do we have a vision? Do we need one? How can we capture something and make it more than a tick-box exercise? We talked about these questions under the theme of “What keeps us awake at night?”

Now in its second year, the network is in a growth phase, with more organisations joining. We are still working with the emergent and experimenting to find out how to honour resilience and wellbeing together and take our learning back into our organisations.
For this year we’ll be using a framework created by our partner Insead: AVIRA – Awareness, Vision, Inspiration, Responsibility and Action. 2017 was all about raising awareness of issues relating to resilience and wellbeing in the workplace, trying things out and sharing ways to thrive, not just survive. For 2018 we’ll be exploring Vision and Inspiration.
The group shared what we have in place, what we still need, and what we need to do to move forward. Using a World Café format, some of the questions we looked at were:
What’s my vision for RAW?
How was it developed? What motivated it?
If I don’t have a vision, what might it be?
If money was no object and stakeholder support was a given, how would you evolve your vision for RAW?
What’s the future vision of RAW likely to be in your organisation?
How do you see its role evolving?
We also had conversations about how we keep up the momentum and energy between sessions. We’re implementing a buddy system and will be creating an online community so we can share our experiences more easily and keep resilience and wellbeing at the forefront of our minds.
At the next forum, on May 14th, we will share some of our experiences. We’ll look at what actions we’ve taken, what’s going well and what’s been a disaster, what has progressed, and how we can bring our imaginations to bear on helping each other and ourselves. All answering the question: “Are you getting a better night’s sleep?”
Find out more about joining the Resilience and Wellbeing Network by speaking to Lise Ribeiro on 01937 541700 or by email.