Team Development


Love them or hate them, teams are the key to effective improvement in all kinds of organisations, yet many of us are unaware of what an effective team is or what it can achieve.

Team development is an increasingly critical issue in organisational development, not least because of the increasing complexity of organisational life and the need for more creative and innovative solutions that go beyond the imagination of any one individual.

An essential factor is ensuring that a team is what is needed. Time and money are wasted in trying to shape a team if what is really called for is an effective collaborative group or competent network.

Success depends upon the capacity of those involved to engage with each other at a level that reflects shared commitment, common purpose and a willingness to be individually and mutually accountable for the consequences, both intended and unintended.

The Team Development Process

Many organisations recognise the role of teams in heightening esteem, performance and commitment.

However, if the process is ineffectively managed, team development can be hampered, creating greater problems for the organisation.

Without a clear understanding of team dynamics, human relations, the impact of context and the importance of team purpose, a team might find itself unable to function effectively because of a lack of awareness of the questions associated with its growth and current stage of operation.

An organisation needs to recognise the phases of development of a team, both those developed out of consciousness and those that can only be achieved through conscious decision.

In addition, it is important to consider the factors that facilitate their launch into the ‘maturing’ phase, taking note of the affective elements associated with the ‘getting real’ phase and the assistance that can be made to address them in such a way that individual members’ future contribution in the team is developed.

To find out more about the Oasis approach to team development, contact us on 01937 541700 or by using the contact form.