Coaching for boards


Whether they are providing front-line services, making policy or campaigning for change, third sector and public service organisations have a far-reaching impact.

All who are involved in their governance and management have significant responsibilities, including:

  • a duty of care to ensure that the organisation meets its charitable and social objectives; plans for the future and delivers services within the requirements of the law
  • a duty of prudence to ensure that the work of the organisation is sustainable in the longer term – and that there are adequate resources to carry out the work
  • auditing performance to ensure that the organisation delivers high-quality services safely, effectively, efficiently and within budgetary constraints
  • developing and maintaining appropriate relationships – both externally with key stakeholders and internally with staff, volunteers, service users and fellow board members
  • ensuring that the organisation complies with the law, with the terms of contracts and other agreements, and with the requirements of its governing document.

The commercial sector equally requires high-performing boards to sustain viable businesses in a competitive world.

Supporting dynamic and effective governance in a changing world

Good governance is crucial for shareholders, staff and customers. Clear, inclusive and decisive guidance is needed. In some situations new forms of governance may be called for.

Organisations face significant upheaval:

  • Changes to the ways contracts are awarded
  • Cuts in public expenditure and reductions in charitable donations; fluctuations in personal income through changes to benefits
  • Services at risk
  • Increasing competition for more limited funds
  • Potential for collaboration with other organisations as individual groups fight for survival.

How coaching for boards can help

Coaching can enable directors/trustees to function effectively at the governance level, through practical and authentic collaboration.

It can help new board members understand and accept the responsibilities of the role, the values and ethos of the organisation and the legal/quasi-legal environment within which it operates.

Our dedicated developers can support members as they take on new roles such as Chair or Company Secretary, as they build the experience, expertise and confidence to be involved in strategic development and decision-making.

Coaching enables strategic thinking and practice. It is inspirational: it helps board members ‘make sense’ of challenging situations, have difficult conversations, challenge dysfunctional patterns of behaviour and deal with dilemmas between their personal beliefs and corporate objectives.

Coaching ensures your organisation’s activities are delivered and managed productively and sustainably.

It can help resolve tensions and improve relationships between the board and the executive team, and define the boundaries of management authority.

Group development workshops, for part or all of the board, could focus on how good governance can be achieved through collaborative working, effective relationships and professional organisation.