Our partnerships vary from a few months to several years. Past and present client organisations vary in terms of culture, size, purpose and approach.
What they share is the recognition that relationships are at the heart of effective development, that traditional ways of working have only limited success, and that relational approaches are the way forward. We start with the individual, then look at teams and then widen out to organisations. The purpose, vision, values, core processes and resources are all fundamental review points for doing great work together.
We also work with individuals – key decision makers, leaders and change agents – who are interested in inspiring and developing more equitable, responsible and meaningful relationships.
Our clients acknowledge that change and their ability to navigate through it, is an inevitable skill required for organisations who want future sustainability. We work with organisations and leaders to enhance skills and behaviours which develop relational leadership, cultivate resilience, and encourage success through relationship.
For organisations looking to enhance their leadership, redefine their direction and develop their culture we offer collaborative consultancy approach where we work with you to make sure the journey is designed around your organisation with our expertise. We also offer in house programmes to develop leadership, learn coaching and mentoring skills and help individuals to navigate change and uncertain times.
For leaders and individuals we offer executive development through 121 coaching and mentoring.
For organisations looking to take a proactive approach to wellbeing in the workplace and interested in the future workplace, we host the Resilience and Wellbeing Network; an annual membership community coming together to share best practice and learning. We also offer a suite of workshops and support to help organisations to develop their own approaches to Wellbeing in the workplace.
Here are some of our client organisations, past and present.
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Get in touch with us to find out more about our work. Contact us on 01937 541700 or use the contact form and we’ll get back to you.