Sonia is known for her compassionate, insightful and thought-provoking approach to problem solving.
Her interests lie in supporting others adapt to change, inclusion and social justice issues. She draws on her experience in workforce reform, community engagement, diversity and psychotherapy. She values each person’s inner wisdom and uses mindfulness, movement and reflection to support others’ change efforts.
She focuses on building team resilience, reducing workforce anxiety and diffusing conflict. She is currently a visiting lecturer for the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust on a Government endorsed strength-based programme supporting social care managers implement quality supervision in their settings. She co-designed and teaches on an MSc programme on Leadership for Sustainability.
She attracts a diverse range of clients, working at a senior level with Hospices, NHS Trusts, Local Authorities, Schools, Welsh Government, Department of Health, Ministry of Defence, Department of Education, Environment Agency, Housing Associations, Universities, Charites and private sector companies.
Sonia was recently invited by a Yorkshire-based counselling charity to work on race and diversity issues – where she designed and delivers a programme on Restorative Conversations – Building Bridges Not Walls, exploring cultural difference and inequality.
Her publications include Articles for the Association for Coaching (‘Leadership for Sustainability’, 2020, Learning through Love not Fear 2021) and her most recent blog is ‘A Tale of Two Uncertainties’ looking at different human responses to uncertainty. Her interview on ‘Building Bridges Not Walls’ was part of the Facilitating Diversely season in International Facilitation Week 2020.
Sonia has previously held leadership roles in housing, children’s policy, workforce reform and safeguarding, working locally, regionally and nationally in the UK for public sector organisations and government departments. Her high profile work at the DfE received cross party endorsement. She has championed the voices of children in care, black minority ethnic communities and women experiencing domestic violence, winning commendations for her work in this field.