Oasis Foundation Resources

Oasis Foundation publications support our work to encourage positive social change and social justice through applied Whole Person Learning approaches.

PEERworks is a practical and informative guide to new ways of working that help distribute power and share decision making.

Based on a five-year inquiry into peer-based models across a range of organisations, this manual covers the challenges that arise, provides tools and techniques and gives case studies of organisations in the transition to a more collaborative way of managing.

Download a free pdf of PEERworks.

Highlighting the necessity for connecting with each other in ways that make a difference – ways that allow the soul to flourish – exploring effective oneness, moving from ‘I’ to ‘we’ and the global dimension.

Steps to an Ecology of Soul is published with the support of the Oasis Foundation people and has helped some of those we support and partner with, now or in the past.

PDF e-copies are available for free download. Hard copies are available by contacting the Oasis office on 01937 541700.